Monday, September 24, 2012

How my group organized the presentation on the topic: My native language is not English.

 How my group organized the presentation on the topic: My native language is not English. Luckily, my participant is my roommate, so we have a lot of time to share and discuss about our topic.

 In this topic, we don’t have the same main ideas but they’re quite similar. We mostly used the sources from LEO because it explained every term very clear. Reading the definitions on LEO, I do my own examples for each kind of phrases. My group-mate - Trang Phung did the same thing. We read on LEO and then write down our presentation by our own words. So, you can easily find out that our examples in the presentation are very simple.

At first, we were very nervous because we think our topic may not be very interesting. But I think the main purpose of this presentation is to help us be confident in front of the crowds. We divide the work and each one tried to complete the work as the best. We did the research on some other websites but they use many complicated words so it's really tough for us to understand. We also found on Google some photos so it can make our presentation more colorful. We commented, edited each other mistakes. My part is a little bit longer than Trang's part. I'm usually very nervous so when I speak, it's quite fast. Trang always reminded me to control my speech or nobody can understand what I'm saying. At first, I finish my presentation in 2 minutes! But then, I speak more slowly and now it will take about 3-4 minutes (only my part) Trang made the introduction very well so she did it.

 Trang will talk about how to use "few and less", "much and many", and "a lot". I will talk about 8 common kinds of phrases: noun phrase, appositive phrase, verb phrase, absolute phrase, prepositional phrase, gerund phrase, participial phrase, and infinitive phrase. We practiced once or twice together. There are many words are are to pronounce in my part like: "appositive" or "prepositional"  so I had to practice a few times.

 Now, we really like our topic we chose because it's quite simple for native English speaker to understand and it's quite helpful for non-native English speaker. LEO website helps us so much not only in this presentation but also the knowledge it brought to us. Also, I have learned more about how to work in a small team. It's not as hard as work in a big group but if everything is not divided clearly, we will have more struggle than we should.

Thanh Dao
Trang Phung (Group-mate)

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