Sunday, September 30, 2012

5 books of others

"The Battlefields of England" talks about the battles in England that occurred during the medieval era.

"Thailand" is a book talks about culture, society, economy, etc... in Thailand.

"My early life" talks about the life of Winston Churchill.

"The Development of Memory in Children" talks about early children education and psychology.

"Mash" is a book talks about the war and history.

Works Cited

1. PatrickMen191f12s27 2012/09/24. Retrieved 2012/09/30.
2. quyenten191f12s27 2012/09/24. Retrieved 2012/09/30.
3. en191f12s28huagong 2012/09/24. Retrieved 2012/10/01.
4. hshyun191f12s27 2012/09/24. Retrieved 2012/09/30.
5. ClaytonAen191f12s27 2012/09/24. Retrieved 2012/10/01.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I picked a book from the library

1. Why did you select the book you brought to class?
- I selected this book because I like the cover of it and it talks about History and Art.

2. How many authors does it have?
-This book has one author.

3. What is the title?
-The title of this book is: "Richard III and the Princes in the Tower."

4. Who printed the book?
-Midas Printing Limited printed the book.

5. Which city was it printed in, and when?
-The book was printed in Hong Kong in 1991.

Step 2 Providing the same information as asked above, write a coherent paragraph about the book you selected. Pick a quote from the book and incorporate it into your text. Provide full bibliographical information at the end in a "Works cited" portion of your post.

I selected a book in the library which has the title is: "Richard III and the Princes in the Tower." by A. J. Pollard. The book was printed in Hong Kong by Midas Printing Limited, but it's distributed by St. Martin's Press in 1991. "Richard III and the Princes in the Tower" really got my impression at the first sight because of its cover. It has two pictures and the people in these pictures probably come from Great Britain hundreds years ago. One of the picture is a man who looks very cold and that is the painting of Richard III. Indeed, on the very first line of the Chapter 1, the author wrote: "Richard III has divided opinion for five hundred years. To many he has always been a villain, a bloody tyrant and detestable child murderer deservedly overthrown." (Pollard 1). 

Works Cited

Pollard, A. J. Richard III and the Princes in the Tower. Midas Printing Limited, 1991.

How my group organized the presentation on the topic: My native language is not English.

 How my group organized the presentation on the topic: My native language is not English. Luckily, my participant is my roommate, so we have a lot of time to share and discuss about our topic.

 In this topic, we don’t have the same main ideas but they’re quite similar. We mostly used the sources from LEO because it explained every term very clear. Reading the definitions on LEO, I do my own examples for each kind of phrases. My group-mate - Trang Phung did the same thing. We read on LEO and then write down our presentation by our own words. So, you can easily find out that our examples in the presentation are very simple.

At first, we were very nervous because we think our topic may not be very interesting. But I think the main purpose of this presentation is to help us be confident in front of the crowds. We divide the work and each one tried to complete the work as the best. We did the research on some other websites but they use many complicated words so it's really tough for us to understand. We also found on Google some photos so it can make our presentation more colorful. We commented, edited each other mistakes. My part is a little bit longer than Trang's part. I'm usually very nervous so when I speak, it's quite fast. Trang always reminded me to control my speech or nobody can understand what I'm saying. At first, I finish my presentation in 2 minutes! But then, I speak more slowly and now it will take about 3-4 minutes (only my part) Trang made the introduction very well so she did it.

 Trang will talk about how to use "few and less", "much and many", and "a lot". I will talk about 8 common kinds of phrases: noun phrase, appositive phrase, verb phrase, absolute phrase, prepositional phrase, gerund phrase, participial phrase, and infinitive phrase. We practiced once or twice together. There are many words are are to pronounce in my part like: "appositive" or "prepositional"  so I had to practice a few times.

 Now, we really like our topic we chose because it's quite simple for native English speaker to understand and it's quite helpful for non-native English speaker. LEO website helps us so much not only in this presentation but also the knowledge it brought to us. Also, I have learned more about how to work in a small team. It's not as hard as work in a big group but if everything is not divided clearly, we will have more struggle than we should.

Thanh Dao
Trang Phung (Group-mate)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Presentation Group 7

As international students, we chose the topic "My native language is not English" so we can understand As international students, we chose the topic "My native language is not English" so we can understand and know more about parts of English that we are not good at. In this presentation, we will talk about how to use English words such as a lot, few and less, much and many. Moreover, we will talk about how to place phrases in sentences. I myself, Trang, will talk about the first part, and my groupmate, Thanh, will talk about the second part. 

Most of the time, when I have to do grammar exercise or when I have to write essays, I usually confuse certain words such as a lot, few and less, much and many. Normally, I go to the Write Place so people who work there can help me correct these mistakes. But now, after reading the Leo webpage, I understand how to use those words better. 

First of all, I will talk about the words "A Lot".
_ The words a lot must be written as two words. 
_ According to the Leo webpage (1), a lot has the same meaning as both many and much and can be interchanged with either one. 
A lot is followed by of when the meaning is general or by of the when the meaning is specific. 
_ Examples:
          - A lot of students showed up in class today. (general meaning) 
          - A lot of the students in class today disagree with my opinion. (specific meaning).
A lot can be used to end a sentence. 
_ Examples:
          - He cheats a lot.
          - I eat a lot.

Secondly, international students like me can easily confuse between few and lessmuch and many. According to the Leo webpage (2), "few" is used with count nouns while "less" is used with noncount nouns. "Many" is used with count nouns while "much" is used with noncount nouns.
_ Examples:

Few and less:
-Few (count/ plural):
          1) Few teachers are not very nice with students.
          2) Few students are opting to study science-related subjects.
-Less (noncount/ singular):
          1) People want to spend less time in traffic jams.
          2) It is a better job but they pay you less money.
Many and much:
-Many (count/plural):
          1) Many students in SCSU are business major.
          2) Many professors in SCSU are very nice, especially professor Roland Specht Jarvis.
-Much (noncount/singular): 
          1) I don't have that much money.
          2) I spend too much time on Facebook.

Hi, I'm Thanh. Now I will talk about my concern about sentence structure and need to know more about where to place phrases in sentences.
As you know, phrase can never stand on its own as a complete sentence. Here are some of the most common kinds of phrases:


A noun phrase consists of a noun and all of its modifiers.
It can function together in a sentence as a subject, object, or complement.(4)

Exp: All of my international friends love to try the traditional food of my country.

An appositive phrase consists of the appositive and its modifiers which may themselves be phrases.
It functions as a noun that renames a noun/pronoun preceding it.(5)

Exp: Jenny, a girl who is very poor, was accepted to go to Havard University.


A verb phrase includes a main verb and its helping verbs.
It can function as the predicate of a sentence only.(6)

Exp: It is difficult to wake up very early everyday.


It's a group of words often includes a noun or pronoun, a participle, as well as any related modifiers, objects or complements of the phrase.
Usually set off by commas, it modifies the entire sentence, adding information.(7)

Exp: The birds having flown off, the cat climbed down from the tree.

Prepositional phrase is a group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers.
It often functions as an adjective or adverb, but it can function as a noun as well.(8)

Exp: I prepared milk for the kitten.

A gerund phrase includes a gerund and might include other modifiers, objects, or complements.
It always functions as a noun.(9)

Exp: Knowing the truth may hurt you a lot.


A participial phrase consists of a present or past participle and its modifiers, objects, or complements.
It always functions as an adjective.(10)

Exp: Walking under the rain, she got a cold.

An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive and its modifiers, objects, or complements.
It can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb.(11)

Exp: He helped to build the roof.

In conclusion, international students who confuse certain words such as a lot, few and less, much and many or concern about sentence structure can visit the Leo webpage at This webpage has a lot of information about English grammars, English structures, organize and develop the writings, not only for international students but for everyone. 

(1); accessed 9-17-2012
(2) same source as (1)
(3) same source as (1)
(4) Phrase Formula accessed 9-17-2012
(5) same source as (4)
(6) same source as (4)
(7) same source as (4)
(8) same source as (4)
(9) same source as (4)
(10) same source as (4)
(11) same source as (4)

Leo Topic Assignment: I'm writing a research paper and my native language is not English.

I'm concerned about sentence structure and need to know more about where to place phrases in sentences.

A phrase can never stand on its own as a complete sentence. 


A noun phrase consists of a noun and all of its modifiers.
It can function together in a sentence as a subject, object, or complement.

Exp: All of my international friends love to try the traditional food of my country.


An appositive phrase consists of the appositive and its modifiers which may themselves be phrases.
It functions as a noun that renames a noun/pronoun preceding it.

Exp: Jenny, a girl who is very poor, was accepted to go to Havard University.


A verb phrase includes a main verb and its helping verbs.
It can function as the predicate of a sentence only.

Exp: It is difficult to wake up very early everyday.


It's a group of words often includes a noun or pronoun, a participle, as well as any related modifiers, objects or complements of the phrase.
Usually set off by commas, it modifies the entire sentence, adding information.

Exp: The birds having flown off, the cat climbed down from the tree.


Prepositional phrase is a group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers.
It often functions as an adjective or adverb, but it can function as a noun as well.

Exp: I prepared milk for the kitten.


A gerund phrase includes a gerund and might include other modifiers, objects, or complements.
It always functions as a noun.

Exp: Knowing the truth may hurt you a lot.


A participial phrase consists of a present or past participle and its modifiers, objects, or complements.
It always functions as an adjective.

Exp: Walking under the rain, she got a cold.


An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive and its modifiers, objects, or complements.
It can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

Exp: He helped to build the roof.


LEO: Phrases Formula

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Story-in-a-box

12 items:

-Money(coins): they look sophisticated. They have the vignette of some animals.

-Chestnut: they're small but hard. they are dark brown. 
-Wallet: it looks old. It's probably made from leather.

-Piece of cloth: it looks like a blanket or a cover. It looks warm.
-The head: it doesn't have hair on in. It looks like the head of a monk.

-A ruler: 
it is made from wood. It can measures in both centimeters and inches.
-A plate: 
The base is quite thick. It has a simple vignette of flower on it.
-A canoe: it looks very simple and unique. It may belong to a small tribe. 

-A stamp (a seal): It's probably from China. 
It it probably made from gem.
-A vase/jar: it has a cork on the vase. The body of the vase is big but the neck is narrow.
-An African statue: he's black. He maybe the leader of a tribe.

-A drum player: he looks like a Pedro in Mexico. He's playing a quite strange drum.

-A village: it is a small village with a small amount of people. It may be located in a forest, where people rarely know.

My Story-in-a-box:
In the olden days, there was a drum player who loved to collect the rulers. He bought as many rulers as he could. Unfortunately, he was very poor so his collection was very limited. He wished some day he could have another job and earn much more money and buy more rulers. 

Although this drum player was not rich, he was very kind and loved to help people around him. There was a time he saw a monk walking in his town. It seemed like the monk hadn’t eaten for a few days. Without a second of thought, the drum player bought a plate of rice for the monk and gave him some money. 

On that day, in late night, he was drunk with some other drum players after a festival in his town. On the way to home, he stumbled on a small vase and fell in a deep dark hole. He was very frightened but still tried to stand up and find a way. Suddenly, a head of a monk appeared in front of him. The head said: “Even though you’re poor but you are always ready to help other people. I really appreciate your kindness. I know you really love to collect rulers but don’t have money. Now I give you a chance to make big money. When you wake up after this dream, you have to go and find a Chinese seal from a witch in a village and sell it to Doctor T. He loves everything from China. He will buy it even with a high price. Good luck.” The drum player was so surprised and speechless for a while. He asked the monk: “How do you know about it? And where can I that seal?” but the head disappeared. 

In the morning, he woke up on his bed. He talked to himself: “It was only just a dream. But how did I come into the house and sleep on my bed?” Lying next to him is the small vase that he stumbled on last night. He took off the cork on the vase and found out a map in it. The map guided him to the place where the Chinese seal is located. It also mentioned that he should bring many coins and chestnuts. He followed the instruction and decided to get on the trip. 

He put every coin he had in a wallet, packed the chestnuts in a piece of cloth. He had to come to a small village, which is located in a huge forest. To come to the forest, he had to go through a river but he couldn’t swim. At the same time, there was a fishing man sitting on his canoe and trying to go to the forest too. The drum player asked the fishing man for help. He accepted and the drum player paid him 3 coins. 

After many hours in the forest, he was lost. Luckily, he met a leader of a tribe – an African. The leader agreed to guide him to the village but he had to give the leader all of his chestnuts. He finally reached the village and asked for the witch who got the China seal. The witch did not need money but she wanted something to exchange. Now all he had left was a piece of cloth. The witch did not want it so she didn’t give the seal for the drum player. She said he also only could stay in the village because there was no way he could come home. 

Finally, he had to give up his collection, get married with the witch and lived happily ever after.